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Step It Up Entrepreneur

Nov 24, 2021

Have you ever walked into a room needing help from someone and before you can finish saying “I need help,” one eager, willing, and enthusiastic person cuts you off before you explain the fuckery of a journey you’re about to take them on?  You’re going to meet that person today. 

Justin Schoener is the founder of...

Nov 17, 2021

You know that guy who sits in the back of the room listening, blending in, very unassuming, who breaks the glass around your world when he speaks?  He’s the person that has a line of people with questions after he asks a question or presents.  He’s down to earth and doesn’t waste words talking about the...

Nov 10, 2021

Last year on the show we had a group of irreverent, yet big-hearted gentlemen join together and form what is now known as The Goon Squad.

Like Marvel characters, they’ve banded together over the last year from various industries. Each one of them has written a book and has a podcast.  They’ve changed thousands of...

Nov 3, 2021

Just because you’re from a family business doesn’t mean you’ve had it easy.  Today’s guests are from the same family with very different backgrounds, and it’s the perfect pairing for creating a successful legacy. 

Eric Gonzalez is President of Top Crew Labor pairing roofing crews to some of the top...