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Step It Up Entrepreneur

Apr 28, 2021

What does it mean to be a man? What deeply rooted piece of who you are inspires you to leave your mark on the world and the people in it? Without the drive to do anything more than live in the moment, life takes on a lot less meaning.

Paul Beam founded True North Ministries based on the lessons learned and the...

Apr 21, 2021

How many decisions do you make in a day without even thinking about it? More importantly, how many choices each day result in a significant impact - for better or worse - further down the road? Intention and perseverance are two of the most effective ingredients in a robust, thriving lifestyle, and they're often the...

Apr 14, 2021

What keeps you moving through the best and the worst of running your business? Although most business owners set high operational or financial goals, the best among them is working for something more substantial, whether it’s family, self-improvement, or other intrinsic motivators. And keeping that motivator...

Apr 7, 2021

How often do you hear entrepreneurs throw around the concept of "alignment" when it's clear that they don't know what it means? Actual, potent alignment requires just six core assets.

Burton Hughes grew up tired of hearing the words: “That’s not for you” that was often uttered when he sought to escape his...