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Step It Up Entrepreneur

Jun 28, 2023

Joseph James is with us this episode! Joseph is the CEO of his business Professional K9 Solutions, as well as the founder of Alpha Leadership. Joseph will share his incredible story of overcoming rejection from an early age and the extreme grief of losing his father and wife within twenty-two days of each other.  We...

Jun 21, 2023

Join us this week as we welcome Kevin Snow, a fellow podcast host who wears multiple hats, serving as the Founder and Chief Sales Strategist of Time On Target and Chief Operations Officer of Success Champion. In this episode, we'll delve into a range of topics, including the process of selecting podcast guests and the...

Jun 14, 2023

My man Roy Wragth is here for this episode! Roy is killing it in the automotive space as the founder of Wragth Motorsports. He's here to nerd out with me, as well as share his story of going from a backyard repair shop to the U.S. Navy to Google to now running his own shop. Listen in on Roy's amazing insight on...

Jun 7, 2023

Chris Scoville is here this week! Chris is the owner and CEO of BluePagesPro- a software company that connects contractors in the home improvement industry to their customers and provides these contractors with a wealth of resources. We'll hear all about how this business evolved from a "field of dreams" to a...