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Step It Up Entrepreneur

Oct 27, 2021

Have you ever walked into a room and saw one person that stands out in every sense of the word?  Anyone who has spoken to this person in a conversation is always left more enlightened, educated, and entertained.  That person is John Highley.

John Highley hails from Dayton, Ohio, where he cut his teeth at Dannon Yogurt...

Oct 20, 2021

It’s always interesting how people get their start in entrepreneurship.  Our guest this week shares how back pain took him into becoming a serial entrepreneur. 

Jory Mack is a serial entrepreneur who started his career managing the family pawn shop until he made a leap out into the fitness industry which propelled him...

Oct 13, 2021


This week, we continue with our compelling interview with Dan Ward who can best be described as a business Machiavelli in every sense of the word.  How many guys do you know own a Llama and love minivans? 

In this segment, Dan showcases his in-depth knowledge and acumen in business as it pertains to best practices,...

Oct 6, 2021

While most people are Jet setting across the country, around the world, living that Instagram lifestyle, there is one man who is defying convention by simply keeping common sense infused in his life and businesses.  

Dan Ward started his work life like many who have come before him by taking a journey into the college...