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Step It Up Entrepreneur

Aug 10, 2022

I'm answering listener questions on today's podcast! If you have a question you would like to ask, leave me a comment with it in the reviews on Apple Podcasts or send me a message! 

I'm answering these questions today: 

  • Expanding: Meredith wants to know when and how to expand her second business. Is now the right time to do that? Can her first company fund the expansion of her 2nd company?
  • Boundaries: Joe wants to know how he can protect his time when his clients are crossing his personal boundaries.
  • Branding: It's important to brand yourself. That means sometimes you'll need to have headshots and professional images taken. It elevates your presence online.

This week, I have an ask! Join my new Facebook group:

Leave any questions you may have in the reviews on Apple. Small steps forward daily, friends! πŸ‘Š