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Step It Up Entrepreneur

Dec 30, 2020

Do you value everyone and everything around you? We are busy people and sometimes we lack time and effort for those that are important to us. We should learn to have a balance in our time and effort in all things that surround us. We have only one life and we need to make the most out of it and make sure we show...

Dec 23, 2020

Have you ever experienced when you’re at the top of your game, then all of a sudden, for reasons beyond your control, you fell down?  All of us experience a downfall. It’s difficult and depressing. Although some of us find it hard to stand up and rise again, there’s always a way to get back and keep going. 



Dec 16, 2020

Are you content and happy with your life right now? Life can be a little plain for some of us.  But whatever your situation might be, some good things can happen when you least expect it. 

Dan Costantino was a career sales executive for roughly 18 years. He ended up quitting this job and started in real estate as a...

Dec 9, 2020

What unforgettable moment have you experienced that made you realise your purpose? Sometimes misfortune serves the biggest lessons and we must see the opportunity that comes with it. 


Mike Lahiff is the CEO and co-founder of ZeroEyes, an AI weapons detection platform. Mike served as a U.S. Navy SEAL for ten and a half...

Dec 2, 2020

What sticks out to you when you think of an entrepreneur you look up to? Most of the legends we make an example of came to be where they are with a mix of toughness, persistent desire to learn and a well-earned sense of when to step back.


Adam Niec is the co-founder of Certain Pay, the creator of Rate Tracker and a...