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Step It Up Entrepreneur

Dec 4, 2019

In today's day and age, it's pretty much impossible to run a business without accepting credit cards as a form of payment. 

People are carrying and using cash at record lows so it is important for your business to have a good credit processing system in place. 

Episode Highlights: 

  • How to find the best credit card processing system
  • Understanding your credit processing agreement
  • How to save money with the right processing system
  • Building the right mindset for success
  • Staying in shape and focusing on your fitness

In this "GPS Trackers And Installers Podcast" episode, Tomas Keenan is sitting down with Marshall Lowy, the co-founder of "Certain Pay"  where they focus on revolutionizing the credit card processing industry for businesses just like yours. 

Tomas and Marshall chop it up not only about getting the most out of your credit card processing system, but also other important parts of your success like mindset and your personal fitness.