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Step It Up Entrepreneur

Dec 7, 2022

Meredith Soleau is an oversharing social media queen. She is the President of 424 Degrees and Co-Founder of Girl's Girls Media.

424 Degrees is a boutique marketing agency, servicing clients nationwide. They handle my social media. They specialize in manufacturing, car dealerships, and small business clients. Meredith built this bootstrapped 7-figure revenue business on a dream and a prayer without even so much as a business loan. 424 Degrees is a Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Marketing Partner and Meredith is a Facebook Developer. They now offer a full-service suite, including TV and radio commercial production.

Girl's Girls Media was founded in 2016, and is the parent company of Attagirl Social Club. GGM offers a network of podcasts that exceed 80K downloads per week, as well as producing a portfolio of independent podcasts for entrepreneurs, host networking events and retreats, teaching classes, and performing live shows across the country.

Connect with Meredith: 




Wish mastermind groups actually provided some coaching? The Step It Up Academy Mastermind is now open. Apply now: Step It Up Mastermind

There are 3 levels to the mastermind. Our team looks forward to connecting to see if we would be a great fit to work together. 


I am now available for fractional COO services! Getting your house in order is more important than ever. Find out more about me at

Join My Facebook Group: Integrator Talk on Facebook

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