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Step It Up Entrepreneur

Dec 1, 2021

Imagine if you would’ve had the focus at 15 years of age that you have now.  What would that look like?  I don’t know about you, but when I was 15, I wasn’t thinking about starting a business, building a team, or making lump sum investments into anything beyond girls and cars. 

Zach Sasser was different.  Zach is a serial entrepreneur and the current leading Sales Rep at Break Free Academy in Addison, Texas.  He is managing co-partner in a tree removal business, and operates as a partner in his brother’s roofing company recruiting, training, and selling.  At 15, he spent his time doing the work to create his very first marketing agency, and at 21, he’s projected to be a millionaire before he’s 27. 

In today’s episode, Tom and Zach take a journey back one year when they first met.  Zach and Tom discuss the differences between his confidence then, compared to now and outline the processes in thinking and execution that totally changed the game for Zach and the Apex organization.  They discuss coming up in family businesses, the difference 20 years makes, their favorite books, intentionality, dream boats, writing and creating your perfect day and much more. They take an existential dive into the big picture by focusing on the little consistent things done daily that collapse time and create new realities. 


What You'll Learn: 

  • How Zach looks at the world through the eyes of a 21-year-old
  • Zach shares his thoughts on distractions and how he manages the multitude of temptations 
  • The Elite Version exercise and how profound it’s been in transforming the way you think 
  • Tom’s ultimate dream boat
  • Zach’s personal thoughts on dating, creating your perfect day, and manifestation 
  • How confidence is connected to feeling and how it can affect your ability to sell well
  • The one number Zach is not comfortable with today
  • Why identifying your goals and writing them down is a powerful tool to create a new future 
  • The 2 things required to achieve goals according to Tom Keenan
  • Where Zach invests his money 
  • How friendships change once you become successful 
  • The power of investing in yourself and making your money work for you
  • True power of belief 
  • One thing Zach learned while teaching his Mother in business 
  • And much more!  

Favorite Quote: 

 “Business owners are real smart. If anything, they’re smarter cause they realize they can use leverage, start using other people’s time, building multiple streams of income. You don’t have to rely on one source. And that’s whenever it started to open my eyes. I was 15 learning about digital marketing and funnels and that’s really why I arrived here.” 

 -Zach Sasser






How To Get Involved:


From his start in the GPS tracking industry to founding the Step It Up Academy, Tomas Keenan is on a mission to break out of the concept of “average” and reach the success that is anything but. And he wants you to join him.


Check Tomas out on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and don’t forget to visit and sign up to make sure you never miss an episode drop.


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